Alyssa Apsel
Professor & Director- Electrical & Computer Engineering
Cornell University

Nicholas Colarelli
Executive Vice President
Hunter Engineering Company

Santanu Das
Chairman of the Board

Jennifer A. Dionne
Associate Professor
Stanford University

Matt Ettus
Founder & President
Ettus Research LLC

Scott Fancher
Senior Vice President (Retired)

Steve Gurney
CFO & Managing Director
Viant Capital LLC

Matt Holton
SVP, Technology Lead for North America

P.R. Kumar
Regents Professor, Distinguished Professor, and College of Engineering Chair in Computer Engineering
Texas A&M University

Quinn Li
Senior Vice President & Global Head 
Qualcomm Ventures

Richard P. Mattione
Partner (Retired)

Jennifer Morovitz
Director in Security Technology

José Moura
Philip L. & Marsha Dowd University Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

Emir Osmanagic
Director of Enabling Technologies
Johnson & Johnson / DePuy Synthes

George Pappas
UPS Foundation Professor & Chair of the Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering
University of Pennsylvania

Chrystanthe Preza
Kanuri Professor & Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
University of Memphis

Katherine Rink
Assistant Head of the Air and Missile Defense Technology Division
MIT Lincoln Laboratory

David J. Rossetti
Vice President, University Relations & Research (Retired)
Cisco Systems, Inc.

Naveen Singla
VP, Data Science
Bayer Crop Science

Gregory Sullivan
Chief Information Officer
Carnival Corporation

Previous Advisory Board Members

*ESE Master's Student Advisory Board Leadership Team Members

The ESE undergraduate advisory board helps bridge the gap between students and faculty regarding course and curriculum feedback. The board also hosts social events to encourage closer connections among students and faculty. It facilitates communication between undergraduates, master's students, and Ph.D. students about shared department goals. The board works to strengthen industry connections and helps students discover postgraduate opportunities and diverse career pathways with skills gained while pursuing a degree in ESE.

Previous Advisory Board Members

If you have any questions, please reach out to our leadership team, indicated by an asterisk (*).